Saturday, June 30, 2007

Almost-finished object: Krista's new shawl

Krista's new shawl is just about finished (I'm making her block it herself), even if I did wimp out for the last few rows and knit unfinished yarn straight off the wheel.

I'm sending this shawl out to Krista in lieu of the hugs I can't give her from CA. She's working very hard this summer for a very good cause, in a different city from her husband and dog. Let me correct that: her very sick, elderly dog. Norton has been a sweet, friendly dog as long as I've known him, and I'll be very sad when it's his time to go. Krista has known him for a heck of a lot longer; I think she would benefit for any sympathy you have for a knitblogger whose dog is slipping away.

Krista, I'm so sorry. I hope the shawl helps a little.


  1. oh, dear. i didn't know any of this. lots of wags and licks from the labs at our house, k. norton sure is a sweetie.

  2. Aww, thanks Lisa. And thanks Lea - I can't wait to see my shawl!

    Norton is doing OK at the moment - the vet said his blood work looks pretty bad but he isn't really acting ill. He's in Cleveland at my in-laws while N is visiting me in DC, so he's getting lots of love and petting.

  3. Glad Norton is doing okay... I don't know him but I know what it's like to love someone with fur. My cats are sending purrs.
