Wednesday, April 05, 2006

The call of the Sockapaloooza

We have achieved Sockapaloooza here! I submit these socks as evidence that I've been sitting on planes far too often. Unfortunately for these poor socks, they haven't seen anywhere quite as pretty as Krista's have, but they have seen: the interiors of four airplanes, three airports, two Boston red line trains, and a nice cozy cafe.

Don't worry, mystery sock pal! My feet are not dirty, and I'll be washing your socks before I send them out. I'd like to thank you, mystery overseaas sock pal, for having small feet. I certainly have much more experience knitting for small feet! I'd also like to thank Kitty (you can see him trying to help in this picture), who has been annoyingly over-companionable ever since I returned from my latest job interview. At least the next trip will be shorter...


  1. Yay! Congratulations on finishing--they look really great. And a Sockapaloooza sock is just not a sockapaloooza sock until it's been tried on by its knitter :)

  2. I think that, for the vast majority of the sockapalooza knitters, trying on my sock would lead to severe structural consequences for said sock. :)

  3. Anonymous9:52 AM

    I love that colorway! congrats on finishing -- they look great! :)

  4. Cool, I love that they've visited so many places. And they'll be going even farther, I guess!

  5. Anonymous2:40 PM

    they look great! and I'm so happy that you were able to knit them on planes - I was wondering about plane knitting myself...

  6. Those look quite comfortable and warm. Congrats!

  7. I love that these are such well-traveled socks ... and they have another trip coming up soon, don't they?

    Well done!
