Monday, February 06, 2006

Bye, bye birdie

See the pretty sweater? Now say "bye, bye" to the pretty sweater. It's not because of pattern problems (the pattern is written up to the bust shaping -- BTW, the earlier schematics I posted are not accurate for a knit fabric, plus don't take into account the changes I've made, so don't knit from them!). It's because of needle problems. I knit an EZ-style hem and a bit more of the sweater, and I had a annoying choice to make: keep gauge or knit without having to force every single stitch over the join between the cord and the needle. (It probably didn't help that I was using a 16" needle to knit the A-line hem of an entire wrap sweater at once.) I suppose what I really need are flexible straight needles, but I'll probably end up with a set of #3 Addi Turbos. The fabric has room to get denser without ill-effect, and if I need to keep knitting a bit loosely to account for the join in the needle, I can do that too. So no more sweater until I get to my LYS tomorrow. The ladies at this store have been incredibly helpful to me with this whole design business; one is bringing in some books for me to look at tomorrow, as EZ is not helpful for certain kinds of shaping I want to do on this sweater. As far as I can tell from Knitting Without Tears she doesn't believe in waist shaping, bust shaping, or set-in sleeves.

At least Murmur was more helpful today.

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